Saturday, February 7, 2009

our life

well we are at Ft Lewis, which is not so bad. Connor is officially potty trained with #1, but oh so far from #2. I really think to myself everytime I throw away nasty underwear I just wish he would start peeing in his pants and stop pooping in them. UGH! Today he came downstairs today with a delightful smell following him, and quoted "I like two things, my poopy and my fireman hat." So I then proceeded to clean the boy up. We also went to the zoo today, dressed in a dinosaur costume so we could scare the tiger, and he wears a cowboy hat everywhere. His most unique fascination is his love for ping pong, which he has picked up from the backyardigans. He officially is the bing bong bandit, and believe it or not his poopy in potty rewards have been ping pong paddles. The funny thing is, he is pretty good at it. Besides that he has been ok with the change. He really is a sweet boy soemtimes. His new best friend heres dad is deploying in two months, the little girl asked him if his dad went to work too (referring to the deployment her parents are preparing her for), and Connor said its ok for Daddys to protect people and go away, because they are soldiers. And he then patted her hand. Wierd how he is so young, but I think he coming to get our lifestyle.
As for me and this other mutant growing in me, well I hate pregnancy. Maybe that is taboo to say, but I dont like it. I just wish a stork would drop a baby at my door, and then maybe take it from 2-3 and drop it back off at 4 :)!!! I eat like a horse, my hips hurt, and pickles and olives go very fast around this house. I find out in early March if its a boy or girl. I am so excited, we really would like a girl.

Oh yeah and Connor is beginning to be the praying king, which means that only he can pray, and the last week his prayers state. "Thank you for Mommy, Thank you for Lizzy, Thank you for Connor. The End." When we ask him why he didnt say Daddy, he will start his prayer over but correcting himself saying "Thank you for Connor, Thank you for me. Thank you for Lizzy. Thank you for Mommy." Still not inlcuding Daddy. For some reason it takes four prayers to get Cody in there. Well I have gone on long enough. I know Im boring.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Disney World Etc...

So we went to Disney World. My first and only advice is be prepared. Connor was probally a little young, but with our big move to Washington we thought, now or never. Well maybe never was a better idea :)! No really we had fun, Magic Kingdom was just not Connor's thing. At Magic Kingdom the only worthy ride to him was the carasoul. Yes the horses, of course. He hates the sound of compressed air, so Dumbo was out of the question. He is kind of in a scared stage, so Magic Kingdom was a little stressful. However, Animal Kingdom was his thing. He loves animals. His obsession is a love hate thing for me. You see Animal Kingdom was his favorite place, he smilesd laughed and love it so much, but also a nightmare for me. Connor is not the normal kid who looks at an animal for a few minutes, no Connor would stand in front of a fish tank for four hours if you let him. So every exhibit was a fight, he never wanted to leave ever. There is a safari ride there, he loved, except you cannot get out and go play with the lion, which makes him mad. Also the elephants would not talk back to Connor, which also upset him because as he says "they are my friends why wont they talk." So Animal Kingdom was his paradise, but also quite intersting. There was a lot of roaring that day, and also trumpting elephants sounds. Then there was seaworld which he adored too. He fed the dolphins, which he so uniquely named his sweethearts. So the whole day he woudl talk about his sweethearts, referring to his dolphins and there babies. He just loves animals, its so funny, they are his pacifer in life. If Connor is upset start telling him about dinosaur names, or talk about tigers and gets so excited. As for me, there is a all you can eat lobster place in Orlando, that was the highlight of my weekend. On the other hand, Connor is still grasping the idea that we eat his lovely sea friends. And Cody, well he likes superheros, so Disney isnt his thing :)!!! Besides that Halloween is coming, our favorite holiday. Fun!!! Pictures will come soon.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Beggining

My sister inspired my blogging. With my moving and many friends and family litteraly scattered throughout the world, this may be a connection. I have horrible spelling and grammar so pay no attention to this.

This week has been quite challenging at that. We can start with Connors head injury or my car gettting stolen, or anything but normal happening. Cody is at WLC ( what I call grown men playing GI JOE). He has not been home for two weeks, ironic the army sends him home for war and begins training him for war immediately afterwards. But to begin, Connor fell out of a shopping cart. Alright, Im not the normal mom to worry, Boys will be boys, Right? This time Connor started to close his eyes and try to sleep right after his flip fall right on the front of his head. Very scary. Connor will never stand in a shopping cart again, he may never ride in one again, as scared as I was afterwards. He is fine, he is completely Connor normal, but for that two hours afterwards I was freaking out. Of course, he refuses to cooperate and tell me his numbers or letters during the episode so I know he is ok,, but later that night he counts to 18 for the first time, but when I wanted him to tell me his name, it didnt happen. So I know now, Connors head can take quite the fall, and him closing his eyes afterwards is his personal trick to scare me into him never having to suffer through a grocery trip again.

Then we can go into my car being stolen. Its an interesting feeling when you walk outside and just know you parked your car in the driveway, but its not there. I walked in wondering if I had lost my mind, and then walked out again. Still not there, no car. Well I then procceeded to call my friend and explain to her that I think my car had been stolen. She conformed the idea that if you parked your car somewhere and when you came back it is not there, thats normally stolen. So in shock I called the police. They found my car, parked three streets down, not damaged, but parked. Guess some teenagers took it for a joy ride. Funny thing, me and the army investigators are looking through to see if anything is missing, and I dont see anything. After I noticed Connor rummaging through car for awhile looking for something, he then says loudly and clearly, Where is my seat guys? The investigators and cops found it quite entertaining. I hadnt noticed the missing carseat. On the joy ride, the teenagers needed more room, so they chunked it a few streets down. On an Army post you would assume safety, well to my suprise the cop explained we have a higher crime rate than outside the post. This is the joy of the Army life.